Crackers was a weekly comic published by the Amalgamated Press, starting on 22 January 1929. It incorporated Sparkler in 1939, and was merged into Jingles in 1941.
Strips included:
- "Ali Oop" (John L. Jukes)
- "Bob and Betty Britten" (Alex Akerbladh)
- "Crackers the Pup" (Don Newhouse)
- "George the Jolly Gee-Gee" (Roy Wilson)
- "Happy Harry and Sister Sue" (Roy Wilson)
- "Kitty Clare's Schooldays" (Tom Browne)
- "Pirates of the Yellow Sea" (Vincent S. Daniel)
- "Strongheart the Magnificent" (G. William Backhouse, Hilda Boswell)
- "Terry and Trixie (Alex Akerbladh)
- Complete AP/Fleetway Comic Index
- Denis Gifford, Encyclopedia of Comic Characters, Longman, 1987