Fred Baker started working for the Amalgamated Press in editorial on Illustrated Chips, Film Fun and Radio Fun, and became editorial manager of Fleetway's romance comics, including Valentine, in the 1960s. He went freelance in 1966, mainly specialising in writing football and other sports stories. Strips he wrote include:
- "Billy's Boots" for Scorcher, Roy of the Rovers, Tiger and Eagle, drawn by John Gillatt, Mike Western, Ron Turner and others, 1970-1990
- "College Cowboy" for Valiant, drawn by Douglas Maxted
- "Crowe Street Comp" for Eagle, drawn by Rex Archer, 1980s
- "Durrell's Palace" for Roy of the Rovers, drawn by Yvonne Hutton, 1981-85
- "His Sporting Lordship" for Buster, drawn by Douglas Maxted, 1966-71
- "Hot Shot Hamish" for Scorcher and Tiger, drawn by Julio Schiaffino, 1974-85
- "The Jet Skaters" for Thunder and Lion, drawn by Geoff Jones, 1970-71
- "Lags' Eleven" for Scorcher, drawn by Douglas Maxted
- "Legge's Eleven" for Valiant, drawn by Douglas Maxted, 1964-68
- "Martin's Marvellous Mini" for Tiger, drawn by Angelo Todaro, 1971-80
- "Mighty Mouse" for Roy of the Rovers, drawn by Julio Schiaffino, 1979-85
- "Simon's Secret" for Roy of the Rovers, drawn by Ramiro Bujeiro, 1979-85
- "The Skid Kids" for Buster, drawn by Colin Page and David Sque, 1966-71
- "Skid Solo" for Tiger and Valiant, drawn by John Vernon and Mike Western
- "Tommy's Troubles" for Roy of the Rovers, drawn by Ramiro Bujeiro, 1976-86
- "We Are United" for Champ, 1984-85
He also wrote six novels featuring Action Man and GI Joe for Corgi in 1977, under the name Mike Brogan. He retired in the 1990s, settling in Cornwall with his family. He suffered from Alzheimer's Disease in his later years, and died of pneumonia on 4 June 2008.
- Steve Holland, Fred Baker (d. 2008), Bear Alley, 17 June 2008
- Barrie Tomlinson, Fred Baker: A Tribute, Down the Tubes, 16 June 2008
Online reference[]
Mike Brogan on Wikipedia
- Fred Baker on WikiPF (in French)