- 2000 AD
- A. B. Payne (1876-1959)
- A. E. Allen
- A. E. Jackson (1873-1952)
- A. H. Clarke (1871-1916)
- A. L. I.
- A. W. Brown
- A. W. Burgess
- A1
- AARGH (Artists Against Rampant Government Homophobia)
- ABC Warriors
- A Ghastly Tale
- A Guy Needs Guts
- A Slice of Life
- Acne
- Action
- Adam Brockbank
- Adam Eterno
- Adam Home
- Adam Murphy
- Addie and Hermy
- Addy
- Ade Smith
- Adriano Blasco (1931-2000)
- Adventure
- Ah-Choo!
- Air Ace Picture Library
- Alan Fennell (1936-2001)
- Alan Gelli (1894-1947)
- Alan Grant
- Alan Hebden
- Alan Hemus (1925-2009)
- Alan Moore
- Alan Philpott (1916-1997)
- Alan Stranks (1903-1959)
- Albert Barnes (1908-1982)
- Albert Edgar Beard (1902-1991)
- Alberto Breccia (1919-1993)
- Alec
- Alejandro Blasco (1928-1988)
- Alex Akerbladh (1886-1958)
- Alex Graham (1917-1991)
- Alexis Frederick-Frost
- Alfred Bestall (1892-1986)
- Alfred Harmsworth (1865-1922)
- Alfred Mazure (1914-1974)
- Alfred Sindall (1900-1973)
- Alfred Taylor (1889-1971)
- Ali's Baba
- Ali Ha-Ha and the 40 Thieves
- Alice in Sunderland
- Alien Attack
- Alison Christie
- All-Action Monthly
- Allan Morley (1895-1960)
- Ally Sloper
- Ally Sloper's Half Holiday
- Amalgamated Press
- Amanda Swan
- Ambrose
- Ancora
- Andrew Wildman
- Angry Nerds
- Angus Allan (1936-2007)
- Angus Scott (1909-2003)
- Anne Anderson (1874-1952)
- Anne Digby
- Annie Parkhouse
- Anton Lock (1893-1979)
- Antonio Canale (1915-1991)
- Archibald Chasemore (1844-1905)
- Argent
- Armando Bonato
- Arnold Beauvais (1886-1984)
- Arnold Book Company
- Arnold Warden (1892-1963)
- Arthur Baker
- Arthur Barker
- Arthur Ferrier (1890-1973)
- Arthur Horner (1916-1997)
- Arthur Mansbridge (1878-1963)
- Arthur Martin
- Arthur White
- Artur Aldomà Puig
- Asia Alfasi
- Auntie Clockwise
- Axel Pressbutton
- Baby-Face Finlayson
- Bacchus
- Bad Grandad
- Bad Press
- Bamboo Town
- Bananaman
- Barbara C. Freeman (1906-1999)
- Barbara Hayes
- Baron von Reichs-Pudding
- Barrie Appleby
- Barrie Mitchell
- Barry Appleby (1909-1996)
- Basil Blackaller (1921-1958)
- Basil Reynolds (1916-2001)
- Battle Picture Library
- Battle Picture Weekly
- Battler Britton
- Bea
- Bear Thrills
- Beat My Score
- Beaverbrook Newspapers
- Bed Bugz
- Beeb
- Belinda
- Bella at the Bar
- Ben Haggarty
- Bernard Graddon (1905-1951)
- Bert Felstead
- Bert Hill (1901-1986)
- Bert Livett (1878-1929)
- Bert Vandeput (1915-1972)
- Bert Wymer (1891-1959)
- Bertie
- Bertie Brown (1887-1974)
- Bertram J. Lamb (1887-1938)
- Bessie Bunter
- Betty Larom (1920-1972)
- Betty Roland (1903-1996)
- Bewitched Belinda
- Biffa Bacon
- Biffo the Bear
- Big Comic Fortnightly
- Big Eggo
- Big Fat Flo
- Big Head and Thick Head
- Big Willi
- Biggles
- Bill Fisher
- Bill Holroyd (1919-2000)
- Bill Hooper (1916-1996)
- Bill McCail (1902-1974)
- Bill Radford (1892-1972)
- Bill Ritchie (1931-2010)
- Bill Wakefield (1887-1942)
- Bill and Coo
- Billy's Brain
- Billy Binns and his Wonderful Specs
- Billy Bunter
- Billy Whizz
- Billy the Kid
- Billy the Kid and Pongo
- Bimbo
- Bing-Bang Benny
- Binyamin Immanuel
- Biomecha
- Black Axe the Saxon Avenger
- Blitz Boy
- Blob!
- Blubba and the Bear
- Blue Jeans
- Blue is for Boys
- Blundercats
- Bo-Peep and Little Boy Blue
- Bob Bartholomew (1923-2013)
- Bob Byrne
- Bob Monkhouse (1928-2003)
- Bobbie and his Bears
- Bogeyman
- Boneless Bill
- Boo!
- Bookworm
- Bouncing Briggs
- Boy's Cinema
- Boy's Own Paper
- Boys' World
- Boys Broadcast
- Brain Damage
- Brian Berry
- Brian Bolland
- Brian Lewis (1929-1978)
- Brian Walker
- Brian White (1902-1984)
- Britain
- British Showcase
- Bruce Bairnsfather (1887-1959)
- Bruce Cornwell (1920-2012)
- Bryan Talbot
- Bubbles and the Children's Fairy
- Buck Jones
- Bud Neill (1911-1970)
- Buddy
- Buffalo Bill
- Buffalo Boy
- Bullet
- Bulletproof
- Bulletproof Comics
- Bully Beef and Chips
- Bunny vs Monkey
- Bunty
- Bunty Annual
- Bunty Picture Story Library
- Bunty and her Bus
- Burp
- Buster
- Butcher Watch
- Butterfly
- Buzz
- C. Arthur Pearson
- C. Crompton
- C. D. Bagnall
- C. E. Montford (1891-1975)
- C. Frank
- C. H. Chapman (1879-1972)
- C. H. Ross (1835-1897)
- C. Mortimer
- Calculator Kid
- Cap'n Hand
- Captain Kid
- Captain Universe
- Captain Zenith Comic
- Carlos Ezquerra
- Carlos Roume (1923-2009)
- Carol Day
- Carrie Dean
- Cartoon Art Productions
- Castle of Death
- Cavemen in Black
- Cecil Harmsworth King (1901-1987)
- Cecil Langley Doughty (1913-1985)
- Cecil Orr (1909-1965)
- Chad Varah (1911-2007)
- Champ
- Charles Chilton (1917-2013)
- Charles Dare (1868-1939)
- Charles Folkard (1878-1963)
- Charles Genge (1874-1958)
- Charles Grigg (1916-2013)
- Charles Harrison (1860-1943)
- Charles W. Nicholls
- Charlie Adlard
- Charlie Chaplin's Fun Book
- Charlie Choo
- Charlie Pease (1905-1964)
- Charlie the Chimp
- CharlottewithInk.com
- Chazberry.tumblr.com
- Checkout Girl
- Cheeky Weekly
- Cheerio
- Cheery Chicks Comic
- Chemical Blue
- Chic Jacob (1926-2000)
- Chick Checkley (1908-1971)
- Chick Gordon (1884-1952)
- Chloe Citrine
- Chris Lowder
- Christopher Gifford Ambler (1886-1965)
- Chronic the Hedgehog
- Chuckles
- Chums
- Cinderella
- Cissy Belle
- Classics from the Comics
- Claws
- Cliff Brown
- Clifford Makins (1924-1990)
- Cogg and Sprokit
- Cold Sweat
- Cold Sweat & Tears
- Colin Andrew (1933-2013)
- Colin Merrett (1914-2005)
- Colonel Blink
- Combat Colin
- Combat Library
- Combat Picture Library
- Come on, Steve!
- Comic Cuts
- Comic Home Journal
- Comic Life
- Comic Relief Comic
- Commando
- Cor!!
- Corporal Clott
- Corpse Talk
- Cosmic
- Cossack
- Count Dracula
- Count Snotula
- Countdown
- Cowboy Comics
- Cracker
- Crackers
- Crisis
- Cuddles and Dimples
- Curly
- Cuthbert
- Cyril Cowell (1888-1967)
- Cyril Gwyn Price (1905-1970)
- D. C. Eyles (1902-1974)
- D. Taylor
- DC Thomson
- Dalziel Brothers
- Dan Abnett
- Dan Boultwood
- Dan Dare
- Dan Leno's Comic Journal
- Dan Leno (1860-1904)
- Daniel Hartwell
- Danny Jones - Time Traveller
- Dave Anderson
- Dave Gibbons
- Dave King
- Dave Morris
- Dave Shelton
- Dave Windett
- David Austin (1935-2005)
- David Ghilchik (1892-1972)
- David Hunt
- David Pugh
- David Wright (1912-1967)
- Davy Francis
- Davy Law (1908-1971)
- Davy McFad
- Day of the Eagle
- Deadline
- Deathshead Danny
- Debbie
- Denis Gifford (1927-2000)
- Denis McLoughlin (1918-2002)
- Dennis Castle (1914-1993)
- Dennis Childs
- Dennis Collins (d. 1990)
- Dennis Reader (1927-1995)
- Dennis the Menace and Gnasher
- Derek Birnage (1913-2004)
- Derek Lord (1927-2004)
- Des Troy
- Deserter!
- Desmond Walduck (1920-1995)
- Desperate Dan
- Desperate Dawg
- Diana
- Diana M. Garbutt (1932-1993)
- Diane Gabbott (1934-2002)
- Diceman
- Dick Brook