Monster Fun was a weekly comic with a comedy-horror theme published by IPC 14 June 1975 to 30 October 1976, when it merged with Buster. Frankie Stein, created by Ken Reid for Wham!, later in Shiver and Shake and Whoopee!, was the editorial figurehead, and also starred in the "Freaky Frankie" strip.
- "Art's Gallery"
- "Badtime Bedtime Books" by Leo Baxendale
- "Brainy and his Monster Maker"
- "Cinders"
- "Creature Teacher"
- "Dough Nut and Rusty" by Trevor Metcalfe
- "Draculass", drawn by Terry Bave
- "Freaky Farm"
- "Grizzly Bearhug Giant"
- "Gums" by Robert T. Nixon
- "The Invisible Monster"
- "Kid Kong" by Robert T. Nixon
- "The Little Monsters" by Sid Burgon
- "Major Jump, Horror Hunter", drawn by Ian Knox
- "March of the Mighty Ones"
- "Martha's Monster Makeup" by Ken Reid
- "Meanie McGenie"
- "Mummy's Boy"
- "Sam's Spook"
- "S.O.S. (Save Our Stan)" by Nick Baker
- "Starr Tour", drawn by Barrie Appleby
- "Teddy Scare", drawn by Barrie Appleby
- "Terror TV", drawn by Barrie Appleby, Ian Knox
- "Tom Thumscrew"
- "X-Ray Specs"
Other artists included Tom Williams.