Illustration from Cassell's Little Folks, 1912
Stavert Johnstone Cash was born in Chorlton, Lancashire, in 1884, the son of a journalist. He started out as a "straight" artist, illustrating for the Boy's Own Paper in 1906, but soon found he was better suited to the Amalgamated Press' nursery comics. His work included "The Furry Fluffkins" (1909) and "Puss in Boots" in Playbox; "Rainbow Cats' Colony" (1914) in The Rainbow; "Jolly Jinks in Jungle Land" (1915) and "Fairy Farm" (1921) for Puck; "Funland Farm" (1928) in Little Sparks; "Billy and Bobby Blackbird" (1921) in Bubbles and the Children's Fairy; "The Merry Mice" (1921) and "Dr Grunter and his Scholars" (1935) in Tiger Tim's Weekly; "The Tiny Tots of Sleepy Town" (1925), "Tiny Tim" (1928) and "The Animal Alphabet" (1929) in The Playbox (supplement to the magazine The World and His Wife); and "Jolly Farmer Field" (1939) in Happy Days. He also illustrated children's books. He died in Bucklow, Cheshire, in 1958.
- Alan Clark, Dictionary of British Comic Artists, Writers and Editors, The British Library, 1998, p. 36