The Comet was a weekly comic published initially by J. B. Allen, beginning on 20 September 1946. After J. B. Allen was taken over by the Amalgamated Press on 24 May 1949, Leonard Matthews was appointed editor and exchanged its humour strips for adventure ones. It was merged into Tiger on 17 October 1959.
Strips included:
- "Blossom" (Eric Bradbury)
- "Bowmen of King Harry" (Eduardo Teixeira Coelho)
- "Buck Jones" (Reg Bunn)
- "Buffalo Bill" (Eric Bradbury, Geoff Campion, Colin Merrett, Alejandro Blasco, José Bielsa)
- "Claude and Cuthbert" (Hugh McNeill)
- "Claude Duval" (Patrick Nicolle)
- "Deed-a-Day Danny" (Hugh McNeill)
- "Dick Barton"
- "Don Deeds" (R. W. Plummer)
- "The Golden Scarab" (Reg Beaumont)
- "Handy Andy" (Hugh McNeill)
- "Jet-Ace Logan" (George Gillat)
- "Jungle Lord" (Reg Beaumont)
- "The King's Thief", drawn by Eric Bradbury
- "Kit Carson" (Geoff Campion, José Bielsa)
- "Lucky Logan", drawn by Eric Bradbury
- "Our Ernie", drawn by Eric Bradbury
- "Robin Hood" (Reg Bunn)
- "Scamp" (Harry Hargreaves)
- "Shorty the Deputy Sheriff" (Hugh McNeill)
- "Simon the Simple Sleuth" (Hugh McNeill)
- "The Sky Explorers" (Reg Parlett)
- "Strongbow the Mighty" (Geoff Campion)
- "Thunderbolt Jaxon" (Geoff Campion)
- "Tough But Tender Tex" (Norman Ward)